William Johnson and William Henderson. Knifegrinders, Bombay, ca. 1856.
William Johnson and William Henderson. Parbhu women, Bombay, ca. 1856.
William Johnson and William Henderson. Bhats, Bombay, ca. 1856.
Shepherd and Robertson. Delhi jeweller and shawl maker, ca. 1862.
Shepherd and Robertson. Udasees or fakirs, ca. 1862.
Shepherd and Robertson. Hermaphrodites, ca. 1862.
Shepherd and Robertson. Snake charmers, ca. 1862.
A.T.W. Penn. Toda family, Nilgiri Hills, 1870s.
A.T.W. Penn. Aboriginal group, Nilgiri Hills (?possibly Badagas), 1870s.
A.T.W. Penn. Barbers by the roadside (?Mysore), 1870s.
A.T.W. Penn. Basket makers, Nilgiri Hills, 1870s.
oda group, Nilgiri Hills. Frontispiece to Captain Henry Harkness "A description of a singular aboriginal race inhabiting the summit of the Neilgherry Hills" (London, 1832).
Samuel Bourne. Todamund near Ootacamund, ca. 1865.
Samuel Bourne. Bhooteas at Darjeeling, ca. 1865.
Samuel Bourne. Kashmiri Nautch girls, 1864.
Samuel Bourne. Dogras in full dress, ca. 1865.
Alexander Melville. Monks of Ladakh, ca. 1862.
Alexander Melville. Mystery play performers, Ladakh, ca. 1862.
Mr. Lears. Sowrah group, ca. 1865.
Benjamin Simpson. Group of Mizhu or Kiju Mishmis, Assam, 1867/8.
Tosco Pepé. Juang group, early 1870s.
Benjamin Simpson. A wandering minstrel, ca. 1872.
The five hill tribes of the Nilgiris (two Irulas, two Badagas, two Todas, two Kotas, two Kurumbas), 1860s.
Saché and Westfield. J.N. Homfray with Andaman group a Calcutta, 1865.
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