delhiviews 1850


CLICK*Mosque of Nawab Bahadur Javed Khan built by order of Nawab Qudsia Begum outside the Delhi Gate of the Red Fort, Delhi. 23 February 1789; by Thomas and William Daniell* (BL)

A view by F. J. Bertuch, from 'Bilderbuch fur Kinder...', Weimar, c.1800

Source: ebay, Sept. 2010

The Fakhr ul-Masajid (1729), or "Pride of Mosques"
Source: The Golden Calm: An English Lady's Life in Moghul Delhi (Reminiscences by Emily, Lady Clive Bayley, and by her father, Sir Thomas Metcalfe), ed. M. M. Kaye (New York: Viking Press, 1980), p. 130. CU scan, Dec. 1999.
"The Fakhrool Musajid was built by Kuneez i Fatima widow of Shoojaat Khan about A.D. 1729, to the memory of her husband who was one of the confidential followers of Nizam ool Moolk, Minister of Mohummud Shah. It adjoins the Estate and is nearly opposite to the Church erected by the late Colonel Skinner C.B. and has been of late years repaired at no inconsiderable expense by that distinguished Officer, for the convenience of his followers military and menial." (caption by Sir Thomas Metcalfe, c.1840's, p. 130)

CLICK*"Delhi," a steel engraving, c.1820*

Source: ebay, Feb. 2009

Source: ebay, Feb. 2006

"Baoli, & Remains of Jehanghir's Palace, Delhi," by Bacon and Dibden (A. Fullarton, c.1848); *a very large scan of this engraving*
Source: ebay, Aug. 2006

CLICK*"Delhi, Ancient Gateway," an engraving by Thomas Dibdin (A, Fullarton, c.1848)*
Source: ebay, Feb. 2007

"Camp of the Governor-General of India, at Delhi," from the Illustrated London News, 1849; and *a very large scan of the engraving*

Source: ebay, Sept. 2009

CLICK*View of Delhi and the surrounding country; a print from the 1850's (with later hand coloring)*
Source: ebay, Nov. 2006

CLICK*An aerial view of Delhi and the surrounding country. Lithograph, by Andrew Maclure, c.1857* (BL)

"The City of Delhi," from the Illustrated London News, 1857; with *a very large scan of this engraving*;
also CLICK*"Bridge at Delhi leading to the palace of the Mogul, from the Agra Road"*; also CLICK*"House recently built near the Lahore Gate of Delhi"*; also *CLICK"The bank at Delhi"*; also *CLICK"'The hall of Justice' at Delhi"*; also *CLICK"Delhi, the scene of the Late Massacre by the Sepoys, from the river Jumna"*

Source: ebay, Sept. 2009

CLICK*"Delhi after the Siege--from the Selimghur, looking down the Jumna," from the Illustrated London News, 1858*

Source: ebay, Aug. 2009

"Shah Jehanabad or New Delhi," by Brandard (James S. Virtue Co., London, 1858)
Source: ebay, Sept. 2005

"View of Delhi from the Palace Gate," from vol. 3 of 'The Indian Empire' by Robert Montgomery Martin, c.1860; also *View of Delhi from the River, shewing the King's Palace"* Source:
(downloaded Jan. 2009)

CLICK*Moree Gate, Delhi; a photo by John Murray, 1858* (BL);
also: CLICK*Water Gate of Palace, Delhi* [*Murray 1858b*]

CLICK*Zenut-ool Musjeed, Delhi; a photo by John Murray, 1858* (BL); actually "Zinat ul-Masajid," this mosque was built by one of Aurangzeb's daughters outside the Delhi Gate

A distant view of the city, in a steel engraving by Ramage and Brandard from the 1870's
Source: ebay, Oct. 2001

"Environs of Delhi," a print from 1873
Source: ebay, Nov. 2006

CLICK*"Bargaining in the bazaar at Delhi," from the Illustrated London News, 1892*
Source: ebay, Aug. 2007

CLICK*"The Delhi Durbar celebrations: building a triumphal arch at the Mori Gate," Illustrated London News, 1903 (with modern hand coloring)*
Source: ebay, Aug. 2007

CLICK*A detail from "A Street Scene in Delhi," a lithograph by L. Raven Hill, 1903*; *the full scene*
Source: ebay, Jan. 2006

"A busy street in Delhi," a stereoscopic view, 1908

Source: ebay, Sept. 2008

CLICK*"Delhi Church" (actually St. James's Church, also called Skinner's Church, built by James Skinner in 1836); a professional photo, c.1910*

Source: ebay, Sept. 2009

CLICK*The first anniversary of independence, as seen from the Red Fort; a news bureau photo*; and *the sixth anniversary, 1952*

Source: ebay, July 2010

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