These Bill
collectors were employed by Bankers called 'Seth' derived from Sanskrit
'Srestins' and these Native Bankers were called 'Seth' in Rajpootana,
'Sethia' in Gujerat,'Sathe' in Maratha land, 'Shetti' in Kannad,
'Chettiyar' in South or 'Reddy' in Telegu, and 'Sett' in Bengal,
These Bill collectors were employed by Bankers called 'Seth' derived from Sanskrit 'Srestins' and these Native Bankers were called 'Seth' in Rajpootana, 'Sethia' in Gujerat,'Sathe' in Maratha land, 'Shetti' in Kannad, 'Chettiyar' in South or 'Reddy' in Telegu, and 'Sett' in Bengal,
..and shroffs ( asharfi - money changers) & soods ( interest) ?