Nandi Hills, Bangalore - 1794


 Posted on: 20 February 2015

Nandi Hills, Bangalore - 1794

This uncoloured aquatint is taken from plate 10 of Captain Alexander Allan's 'Views in the Mysore Country'. Nandidurg is at an altitude of around 4800 feet amid the Nandi Hills near Bangalore. Captain Allan described the fort as "a strong spacious fortress, with the best constructed works of all the hill forts, and one of those by Tippoo [leader of the Mysore insurgents] deemed impregnable". It was captured by a detachment commanded by Major Gowdie on 18 October 1791. Control came at quite a cost: the casualties during the siege amounting to 110. The British found a plentiful stock of provisions and military stores here, but ceded the fort to Tipu after the Treaty of Seringapatam in 1792.

Copyright © The British Library Board

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